Homeland season 6

Way later than planned, I think it's safe to say that I didn't rush to finish Homeland's sixth season. My journey on this show has been a tale of highs and lows, and even during the best parts of the last season, I was still left wondering if there was ever a valid reason for the show to still be running.

Following her time in Berlin last season, Carrie is now living in Brooklyn where she works with a foundation to help provide aid to Muslims in the US. Meanwhile Saul and Dar are beginning work with the new president (Elizabeth Marvel) following the election day but things do not run smoothly. The president's dead son who was a soldier has his name dragged through the dirt via a mysterious right-wing viral company, there are terrorist attacks and Peter Quinn, now a shadow of his former self, believes that Dar has people after him.

I can't deny season six was a breath of fresh-air and felt very relevant in a time where elections and the public's opinions can be influenced through hackers making season six all the more engaging. It's still unfortunate that season three dragged out the Brody plotline as it steered the show in one direction before taking a whole new path ever since then but Homeland has survived somehow and rises above most modern dramas that try to imitate its themes.

Come the conclusion I was hooked and can clearly see a reason for the next season as the show finds a new angle to explore; so hopefully it won't be too long until I'm writing about season seven. Six is well directed, the acting is top-notch and the story is full of surprises that makes it an easy recommend for anyone who has come this far with the show.


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