Le Mans '66

Ron Howard's 2012 F1 biography, Rush, was a fun, fast and exciting journey into the world of racing that holds-up on repeat viewings. There were some parts that were a little 'on the nose' but all in all it's a great film that explored an interesting rivalry. James Mangold's Le Mans '66 (aka Ford vs Ferrari if you're in the States) teased itself as being the clash between two rival car manufacturers but in reality it focuses more on the build-up to the Le Mans race in 1966. I like F1 a lot and this seemed like something I'd enjoy even if I don't know a great deal about this aspect of racing so it had my interest but do you need to be a petrol-head to justify the two-plus hour running time?

Matt Damon stars as Texas racer, Carroll Shelby, who due to medical reasons can no longer race like he used to, which sees him setup his own business before being approached by Ford to challenge Enzo's team in the prestigious Le Mans. But they'll need a driver and Shelby knows just the guy! I'm making it sound a little too cliched but enter Christian Bale's rough and tumble, maybe past his peak, British racer, Ken Miles who might just be the man for the job. Jon Bernthal is unusually cast as the good suit from Ford, and Josh Lucas as the sneery exec trying to make Henry Ford II proud even if that means pushing Miles off the team.

The story sort of becomes a case of can the good ol' American boys, with their eccentric Brit, beat those flashy Italians. Some scenes with Enzo standing in for the main antagonist are a bit cheesy at times but Mangold keep the story fun and engaging for the most part. Some would question whether this deserved the Oscar for Best Editing because it does run a little long in places and there are moments towards the end that potentially deserved more time. Le Mans '66 isn't perfect or maybe quite as smooth as Rush but it takes a story that's not quite as straight-forward as you might expect (given my summary) and highlights an interesting moment in history that's relatively unknown outside of the racing community. 

Fans of racing will surely get a kick out of this and Mangold tells the story in a way that will keep those who don't know a car's coolant from its wind-screen spray entertained. Damon and Bale are great together as well in roles that were originally intended for Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt (presumably doing an English accent), which wouldn't have worked half as good as it does here, particularly towards the end when we need to buy their relationship. 

Le Mans '66 could easily be dismissed as a 'boys and their toys' kind of a film but Mangold, as he did with Logan, knows how to create a good drama and does so once again here. I'd still put Rush ahead of this one because of my personal interest in that type of racing but there's plenty to enjoy. The film is very entertaining, well acted and directed making it a solid recommendation. As for any racing fans, I'd be surprised if you haven't seen it already, it'll be right up your street and an easy one to rewatch.


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