Hot Off The Press - The Musketeers episode 9
So following last week's entertaining yet not entirely great episode, this time around things are picking up in Paris. While the Queen enjoys the countryside, back in the capitol the King lets slip to the Cardinal how he favours another woman who has recently paid him a visit. Seeing how this might work out in his favour, the Cardinal, along with Milady, hire a mercenary to assassinate the Queen. However, it is unsuccessful and the musketeers flee away with her in search of safety. Finding solace in a convent, Athos and Aramis prepare for a siege while looking after the Queen, trusting Porthos and d'Artagnan to return in time with reinforcements.

With an ongoing siege, the show also found time for more drama between the Cardinal and Milady which also worked well and was another highpoint as they plotted their way out of being discovered. The relationship between the two has certainly been interesting, but here I thought it was at its most engaging as they start to turn on one another as the musketeers start to connect the dots. This episode also had Capaldi at his most ruthless and coldblooded, which was brilliant to finally see having waited so long as he starred through the bars of a prison cell towards an innocent man facing death. Despite having had his mistress executed in the first episode, it seems only recently where we have finally seen the Cardinal the way he should be, and Capaldi is fantastic, making the role his own.

Packing plenty of entertaining action (nuns using beehives to fend off mercenaries felt like something out of an old Robin Hood film) and a sense of build-up as the musketeers learn of the Cardinal's plans, but having to chose the right moment when to act, episode nine has to be my favourite of the series so far. Some parts did feel silly at times (Aramis bedding the Queen) and the mercenary leader lacked a sense of threat we had been led to expect with a disappointing face-off at the end (just like poor Vinnie Jones last week) but looking towards the big picture, I am certainly excited to see how it will conclude next week.
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