Should I Check This Out - Midnight in Paris
Okay, so I'm not sure how to put this or why it has happened, but this is my first Woody Allen film. I'll give the cinephiles out there a moment to catch their breath as they are probably flabbergasted. On the plus side though, Midnight in Paris is certainly a great little film and a real gem for those to seek out.

Writing and directing, but not starring, Allen tells a simple story of a couple on holiday in Paris with the woman's wealthy parents and intellectual friends. Owen Wilson plays Gil and Rachel McAdams plays Inez, and the couple are going through some difficulties; he wants to take the easy life, quit writing movie scripts and living in LA to write his book and live in the idyllic Paris. Meanwhile, she has little care for living in the city, and is clearly very materialistic, criticising him over a kind gift he bought her once, among other things. Wanting to spend more time relaxing and soaking in the scenery, one evening he finds himself alone before he is then picked by some party-goers in an old fashioned car, transporting himself back in time to the 1920s where he meets the likes of Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Pablo Picaso. What follows is fun and exciting as Gil is able to experience what he believes to be the 'golden age' where he feels better suited and the people accept him. Back in the modern 21st Century, things are less enjoyable as he has to experience Inez's close friend Paul (played brilliantly by Michael Sheen) babble on about history and other facts.
From there, what follows is a charming, funny and intelligent film that Allen fits so well into the 90 minute mark. While I could go on, ticking off the things I liked, the running time is so surprisingly short that it's hardly any sort of time investment, and it would be 90 minutes well spent. Everything is perfect from the cast that packs plenty of famous faces in what are almost cameos, including Tom Hiddleston, Marion Cotillard and Adrian Brody who are all fantastic, the simple yet beautiful cinematography capturing Paris and Allen's Oscar winning screenplay that also deserves a mention.
If you haven't seen Midnight in Paris yet, I strongly recommend that you do. Having just directed Cate Blanchett to an Oscar for Blue Jasmine, I'll be sure to check out the rest of Allen's films some point soon. Overall Midnight in Paris gets my full recommendation.
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