Daredevil season 1

Amongst its pretty vast catalogue, Netflix seems to be giving the DC series a run for its money with a variety of Marvel shows but can they stand apart from the lacklustre Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and be any good? Agents seemed like a fun idea but, as you can tell in my limited reviews, I quickly fell off the show and never looked back. Some say it picked-up later on but I just couldn't care to waste my time with 22 episodes each season of drawn out content designed to fill the pockets of the studios and broadcasters. And DC is doing the same with Arrow, The Flash and many more which, granted, can work for some but I like my shows to leave me wanting more.

Enter Daredevil with a very tidy 13 episode structure and an attitude in complete contrast with the teeny sweet DC shows and Agents. This wouldn't be easy taking the name of that dreaded Ben Affleck film and shrugging off the smell of bad superhero films from the 2000s that we try to forget. But Netflix have a winner with highly entertaining reboot that shows us that not all superhero shows have to be glossy and lighthearted. Daredevil isn't afraid to go dark and makes for a refreshing change of pace.

Like the film, the series follows a man who was blinded as a child with chemicals which heightened all of his other skills. And, by being caught in a city with an extremely hight crime-rate, he puts his skills to use and takes on Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin. I never like to spoil a good show but it is very well structured for the most part and offers plenty of great moments. Fans will know what I mean when I refer to the corridor fight which boasts some of the best action in any TV series to date.

Going back to the episode count, it is tight enough to keep the story moving forward while giving the characters a chance to breathe and develop. I would add that some of these moments would go on a tad too long and that the final few episodes could have been reduced by one or two for a stronger experience. Regardless, Daredevil is very entertaining and should be on the watchlist for any Marvel fan.


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