Mr. Robot season 2

A couple of weeks ago I finished the second season of the popular Amazon series Mr. Robot which wowed viewers with a thrilling first season. It followed a hacker-by-night, Elliot (Rami Malek), figure a way to exact revenge against a company that had a role in his father's death but with a little help from Christian Slater's hacking group who had similar plans. And, with spoilers to that season, they succeeded and sent America into chaos but not before a shocking twist revealing that Slater's character is in fact Elliot himself however he sees himself as his father. A weird sort of alter-ego.

It was a thrilling season but this left whatever followed next with the fallout and this hasn't been to everyone's tastes now the show shifts gears into a new lane. We now see Darlene and Angela picking up the mantle and leading a cautious team into new uncertain territories while living in fear of the Dark Army, Tyrell now apparently AWOL, agent Dominique hot on the trail of F-Society and Elliot living in fear of what his alter-ego might do next without him knowing. The latter part was probably one of the season's highlights and provided plenty of intrigue but this show wasn't afraid to take its time.

Apparently, the show's creator Sam Esmail was provided with a lot more creative freedom which bravely took the show into new areas. I don't want to say that this dragged but, like Hannibal, it might not be to everyone's tastes. There were plenty of exciting moments with great suspense and a few surprises that caught me off guard, while trying to avoid those spoilers but maybe this good have benefited with some tightening around a few episodes. It committed a rising TV crime of ending one episode on a surprise, only then to leave the audience in suspense by having the next episode skirt around what happened by focusing on an entirely different plotline. It was a little tiresome and made worse when some endings didn't warrant such a long wait.

When the season reached its climax, it was entertaining and posed more questions on what will happen next. With that said I think season three will have to shift gears once more to win back the original fans who've grown weary. I on the other hand found a lot to enjoy and those in search of a deep, engrossing drama/thriller will be satisfied but it will challenge some to sit through.


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