Legion season 1

Just in time for the second season, I wanted to see what Fox's Legion, a show that I originally missed, had to offer. Maybe it was the marketing but I had no idea that this was from Marvel and apparently connected to the X-Men series when it first aired. Thankfully for the fans, the marketing was successful and this could be the start of something big.

Unlike other Marvel shows, this one takes a far more surrealist approach and begins in an asylum. David (Dan Stevens on fine form) is a mutant who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age and battles with disturbing visions that might hint towards hidden secrets. Safe to say that this isn't one for kids and the bizarre, Breaking Bad inspired surreal moments will alienate some.

Despite Netlfix's gritty violence, their Marvel offerings are far more 'safe' in comparison which helps Legion to stand on its own in a genre that dominates many channels. That's not to say that this is overtly for a niche audience, and it's this balance between creativity and being entertaining that makes Fox's take on Marvel satisfying to watch. There are too many shows that deliberately aim low to appeal to a wide an audience as possible which makes Legion almost as refreshing as the Hannibal TV series.

Completed with many great twists and turns, interesting characters and a bold approach to a well-worn genre, Legion is an experience worth watching for anyone in search of a new take on the genre. What's more, the first season is a nicely contained eight episodes long, which is something that maybe Netflix should consider...


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