Spider-Man: Far From Home

When the credits began to roll following the dramatic conclusion Avengers: Endgame, I had to stand-up and stretch after a marathon of a movie but I also felt like I was happy to check in and out of what the series would inevitably do next. The age of the superhero genre may still be in its prime but the news of Disney's next phase of films and TV shows made me question how much more time I wanted to invest with some ideas sounding better than others.

But before the dramatic conclusion that began with Infinity War, Spider-Man was given his first new solo outing with Tom Holland as Peter Parker in Homecoming which was a pleasant surprise with its indie teen-comedy approach that proved that Marvel certainly wasn't bankrupt when it came to new ideas; so how would a sequel stack-up?

Taking place in a post-Thanos world, Peter Parker is doing the rounds as his friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man before a school trip to Europe and a much needed break following the death of his father-figure, Tony Stark. The first half of the film is very much the same teen flick we saw in Homecoming with nice touches of comedy and drama but as charming as it was, Spider-Man: Far From Home did have me concerned that the film was killing time and seemed rather straightforward, even when Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio and Sam Jackson arrive on screen.

Thankfully around the end of the first act, returning director Jon Watts shifts gears and this is where the film really gets going. Painfully I will avoid spoilers but I will say it was refreshing to see that this wasn't going to be another 'stop the end of the world' superhero film in thanks to a strong story which proved to be just as inventive as some of Marvel's best films in recent years. Tom Holland is great again in the lead role as the film rests entirely on his shoulders, but so are the supporting cast which help with getting the film through an arguably slow beginning.

All in all, Spider-Man: Far From Home is a very entertaining addition to the series with plenty of exciting scenes that went above what I was expecting as did the comedy (stick around for the post-credit scenes). If Marvel continue to be as creative as they were here I will gladly follow what they do next and hopefully we will get to see more of Holland in the lead role who clearly has the acting chops to go further. This still wasn't the perfect 10/10 film but there is still plenty to enjoy if you don't mind the teen drama.


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