Daredevil season 3

Even though Netflix's run of Marvel shows was bitterly cut-short, the streaming service did break new ground for the superhero genre as it took a darker, adult turn which won over lots of fans. I can't say all of the shows were for me but my favourite was without a doubt Daredevil which made a strong impact on release and helped fans get over the tragic Ben Affleck version.

The first season boasted first and foremost some of the best action/fight scenes to grace TV, and the story was pretty good too as the superhero took on crime boss Fisk (aka Kingpin). The second season aimed higher and was great to begin with as it introduced The Punisher but as soon as Jon Bernthal's violent vigilante left the screen, the cracks in that season began to show and really hurt the series as Daredevil was left to fight with ninjas across Hell's Kitchen.

The once favourable Netflix series was beginning to look in trouble despite the initial success of Jessica Jones which was followed by a disappointing second season, Luke Cage season one started strong but became a chore and Iron Fist was practically dead on arrival. And then came the forced union of all four characters to save New York in The Defenders, a series I never watched and the reviews were far from kind.

Daredevil season three needed to be good, and with rumours of cancellation in the air, the series wanted to go out on a high. Matt Murdoch (Daredevil) in now off the grid following events in The Defenders meanwhile Fisk is enjoying life under house arrest as he can still continue to operate his business and gradually gain power over his FBI babysitters. Murdoch wants Fisk to be behind bars for good and the series starts strong as he gains new allies with Agent Nadeem, probably the best character this season, and finds new villains in the shape of Bullseye.

When the action begins, the show is relentless and harkens back to the glory days of the first season. The choreography is mesmerising to watch and Charlie Cox delivers a fine performance again in the lead role but at thirteen episodes, this is again another Netflix series stretched thin to the point of boredom. Season three offers many great moments but Fisk's repeated monologues, a dreary entire episode dedicated to Karen's backstory which felt unnecessary and the sense of the show killing time did weaken an otherwise entertaining conclusion to the series.

If you've enjoyed Netflix's other Marvel shows then this is a must-watch as fans will find a lot to love here. However if you found Daredevil's second season not to your taste, season three is a more consistent experience but it's not an easy recommend as the humourless show wisely ends sensing Disney might pull the plug.


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