Succession season 2

And so the second season to HBO's award winning drama series Succession has wrapped-up following a dramatic conclusion in the tenth episode. Taking aim and drawing inspiration from such media empires as the Murdoch family, the series followed media tycoon,  Logan Roy (Brian Cox), and his ambitious family who are all keenly eyeing the golden throne. Season one was an absolute joy to watch and came complete with a brilliant cast, fantastic moments of drama and tension, while also boasting plenty of great comedic value which owes much to its creator who was also behind Peep Show.

Season one left offering plenty of questions but could have functioned perfectly as a one-off if HBO had made the disastrous call to pull the plug. Kendall Roy (Jeremy Strong) is no longer the man he once was having completely failed to takeover his family business by uprooting his father and is now in rehab following the car crash in Scotland which killed the driver. Roman (Kieran Culkin, the other one) still provides much of show's comedy but is now able to use Kendall's downfall to his advantage and prove himself as someone fit for the family business. Meanwhile, Shiv (Sarah Snook) is cutting ties with her career and hopes to also step-up and take the throne for herself. The show is so much more than just a power struggle and when the business is hit by troublesome news amongst Logan's big plans, things begin to turn nasty for everyone involved.

Some of my recent posts on various TV shows have started to sound like a broken record as I go on about how they start strong but drag in the middle due to there being one too many episodes. Unlike Netflix, I've yet to find the same issue with HBO and Succession is no exception. The show is sharply written and never drags; if I can watch two episodes back-to-back, I will. However this show is such a delight I often preferred to space each episode out if I had several to catch-up on because, like Game of Thrones in its prime, it's fun to let the episode unravel in your mind afterwards. Hopefully it's not just me who thinks that way.

Succession is easily one of my favourite shows from this decade and season two ends on such a strong note that I can't wait to see what happens next. Season two continues with all of the Shakespearean grandeur and top-notch acting that made the first a success, and it should be on your watchlist. Succession is an easy recommend.


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