Get Shorty season 2

Get Shorty season one was an overlooked yet highly enjoyable adaptation of Elmore Leonard's series of the same name. Chris O'Dowd stars as Miles, an Irish gangster for a mob based in Nevada run by the vicious Amara but when the opportunity to steer her business towards Hollywood and potentially get out of crime for his family, he jumps at the chance and gets Ray Romano's struggling movie producer dragged into his murky world.

Critics liked the first season and while it didn't reach the dizzying heights of Breaking Bad, I still found the show to boast a talented cast and a strong screenplay which kept the pace moving nicely. It wasn't a show that dragged at any point but how much life in the story's simple premise that MGM can stretch out remains to be seen as a third season is already on its way. Season two sees Miles nearing the end of production and hoping he can part ways with Amara to progress in the movie industry but with the FBI on to Rick, using him as an informant, any future plans might have to be put on hold.

Once again the show does what worked well last time, again here as well. O'Dowd forms the reliable bedrock for the show as does the fantastic Ray Romano, who is perfectly cast as the innocent bumbling producer caught in all of the chaos. The team behind this keep the story exciting and I never felt it really dropped the ball as the story twisted and developed towards the final episode. It's a shame that this isn't getting much buzz as there's a lot here to enjoy which is seemingly getting overlooked.

Get Shorty season two survives the sometimes hazardous second season and for anyone who enjoyed the first outing will surely like this. It has great characters, sharp writing, a perfect balance of humour and tension, and knows how to tell a satisfying story. I strongly recommend the first season at least because this show is one of those rare gems that can be easily missed.


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