Knightfall season 2

Knightfall season one was a flawed yet still enjoyable experience with a surprising ending that saw the King of France murder his wife with Landry's unborn child still inside her. It was a dramatic conclusion which upped the ante from what had just been a seemingly safe guilty pleasure and now season two is on the UK Netflix, how does it fair?

Landry managed to save his child and returns to the Templars but it's back to school for him as he must make amends for breaking his oath last season. Enter Mark Hamill's wise and weathered tutor  to get Landry to fall back in line, and prove that he's still worthy to be a part of the brotherhood. Meanwhile in Paris, the King, looking suitably moodier than before, is plotting revenge against the Templars and now enlists the help of his son Prince Louis to hunt Landry down.

Whereas season one had an air of making the most with a restrained budget, season two is almost unrecognisable with a radically different look that boasts a darker colour scheme and stronger visuals all round. There were some scenes that genuinely looked stunning and captured the show's dramatic moments perfectly and this was season will surely please fans while convincing those like myself who were on the fence during season one.

Much of what makes this season work is thanks to a stronger story which does away with Landry's rather unconvincing romance with the Queen in favour of his quest for redemption. The scheming and politics that proved to hazardous first time around are far more affective here as we see the king lie to his son in order to gain his trust. Also the addition of Hamill was a great casting decision who chews-up the scenery while carving through French soldiers with surprising ease. This is all in thanks to a stronger story that gives the cast more to play with and the action seems to have also benefitted from a bigger budget to play with.

But if I was to find any flaw with the show, it would land with a surprisingly brisk ending in the final three minutes that felt as if there was pressure to tie-up certain events in case the show wouldn't make the cut for season three. This 'scene' was still very entertaining to watch but it felt rushed and leaves the third season a bit up-in-the-air with where it might go next. Nonetheless, Knightfall has returned stronger and more entertaining that it did before which makes this an easy recommend for fans.


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