Total Recall (1990)

Many years ago in the early stages of this blog, I wrote about the then-new remake of Total Recall starring Colin Farrell in the forgettable action flick that failed to resonate with critics or fans of the 1990 original that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger which I wanted to discuss today.

Directed by Paul Verhoeven who was entering the peak of his career, with the highly marketable Arnie in the starring role, and coming in right at the end of highly influential 1980s action phase, the genre was about to change in many ways with Total Recall almost serving as a swansong. There'd be a shift away from the ultra violence witnessed in Robocop or The Terminator, the grandiose action man in the leading role would develop away from what we saw in Rambo: First Blood Part II to something more grounded, and CGI would replace the impressive practical effects seen here. That's all very nice I know but is the film worth watching today? Let's find out! 

Set in the distant future where a colony has developed on Mars, Arnie plays an Earth-bound construction worker, Quaid, who has dreams of living a more exciting life and chooses to experiment with a new technology that can implant new memories and experiences into his head. Instead of an exotic seaside holiday, Quaid chooses the life of a secret agent but something goes awry and he's forced to go on the run. 

Total Recall also starts Sharon Stone, Rachel Ticotin, Ronny Cox and Michael Ironside in this highly engrossing sci-fi action thriller that is just so much fun to watch. Penned in the 1970s but delayed due to the limited technology at the time, Verhoeven's creative direction is slick and never sees the film lull at any moment. Arnie is perfect in the leading role, with a couple of entertaining one-liners, and the practical effects that bring the story to life are all still incredible today. Unlike the remake, the action is also thrilling to watch with Verhoeven's eye for bloody squibs that can feel goofy at times but are no less entertaining for it. 

We don't see action films like this anymore which makes Total Recall feel special; some might dismiss it as dumb entertainment but for any fans of the genre there is so much to enjoy here. Granted, some elements in the visuals might have aged but it all goes in hand to give this film a charm rarely found today. The acting, the direction, the neatly crafted story, the violent action sequences etc are all perfectly formed for such a great experience that make this easy to recommend if action is what you're after. 


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