Here we go!

Ok so thank you for visiting my blog. As you read this, I hope to have provided you with a number of articles for you to enjoy, but what are these articles I hear you cry from somewhere probably very far away? Well I'll be writing about films, cool and interesting TV programmes and games, all of which I can't wait to get started on.

But wait, shouldn't there be the word 'latest' be in there somewhere?

Well actually no. As media progresses and the way we view it changes, we are now discovering new things as and when we want. If you find a good programme on Netflix that's been around for a while, no one will be talking about it. Instead, everyone will be discussing the latest Breaking Bad episode. While I will be discussing and reviewing some of the latest films and programmes, I'm here to write about the things that crept under the radar and that you missed.

So without further ado, here are the categories to what I'll be writing about...

  • Should I Check This Out - Forming the crux of blog, here I'll be writing about all the latest things I've seen and whether I think they are worth watching. This won't be restricted to just films, no sir, I'll also be writing about individual episodes and entires seasons. For some programmes, I will review several seasons in one review, because I think many of us are used to enjoying something only for it to take a massive nose dive later on. For the record, I'm still not sure what to make of the conclusion to Lost.
  • Hot Off The Press - Quite simply, this will be for my latest reviews. 
  • What's The Word - Here I'll be discussing select pieces of news.
  • My Two Cents - Unlike the category above, here I'll be writing about whatever springs to mind! Quite often, this might be in response to a recent piece of news. 
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more. 


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