Should I Check This Out - The Shining


So recently I decided to check out Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, which was released in 1980 and starred Jack Nicholson in the lead role. The film had been on my watchlist for quite a while now, and I'm embarrassed to say I haven't seen many of Kubrick's films, so here was my chance to catch up and watch one of the most acclaimed films around.

Where to begin?

Well there has certainly been a lot of praise for The Shining, which was first met with mixed reviews, but over time, it has become one of the best regarded films of all time and I have to say it is well deserved; this is certainly an incredible film. The problem however is that this gets labelled as a horror film, resulting in modern audiences going in to expect a slasher film or something similar to the Paranormal Activity franchise. While this is certainly a horror film, it is also a character study as we watch the dehumanisation of lead character, Jack. And that is only the tip of the iceberg regarding what the film is about with themes and undertones that cover colonisation, racism and family values. All of which are masterfully handled by Kubrick ensuring that they never become heavy-handed or distract from the fore-focus of the film. I haven't even got onto the subtle set-design that adds to the disorientating, creepy atmosphere but that should seen firsthand.

Nicholson who has unfortunately been absent in recent years, gives a career defining performance as Jack, providing charm, wit and menace. His performance is amazing, as are that of the supporting cast, but that should come as no surprise to anyone who's aware of Kubrick's style as he is known to do hundreds of takes until he is satisfied. An approach that has brought some to tears, but an experience many are pleased to have been apart of.

As well as being a great film, The Shining also serves to remind me that the horror genre is one that is rarely explored by auteurs such as Kubrick these days. Unfortunately horror films have turned more towards shock-value and jump-scares which seems to have degraded the genre somewhat. That's not to say that there aren't good horror films being made any more; it would be nice though to see more big directors try their hand at this genre.

While I could go on and praise each individual part of the film from it's simple yet amazing cinematography (the baseball bat scene is brilliantly unsettling), striking visuals that will certainly leave an impact and the chilling score - I think this is a film best seen without knowing what to expect. While once again, The Simpsons, have spoofed this really well, that should not stop you from checking this out. It's not like most horror films we're exposed to today and for some, patience will be required as this isn't your usual flick designed to scare you straight off the bat - no pun intended (Slow applause).

Kubrick has certainly made a fantastic film that surpasses its source material and makes it his own. Once I'd finished watching, I was left with a lot of questions and will definitely watch this again as there is more to this film than what you see on the surface. Why I hadn't seen this already, I'll never know. The Shining gets my full recommendation, it certainly earns its label as a masterpiece.


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