Hot Off The Press - Homeland season 3, episode 2
*Minor Spoilers to this episode*
After an impressive return to season three of Homeland, that looks to be taking a more realistic tone in-line with that of season one, episode two delivers an emotionally charged take following the military seriousness of episode one.

Meanwhile Saul, through lack of options, has now enlisted the help of a investigator, who wears a headscarf, to help find out where the money came from that was behind the attack on the CIA. While she proves useful, her appearance does not go down well with the people they're investigating, and those of her fellow employees landing Saul in a difficult situation. On top of this, Quinn looks ready to leave once and for good in light of the accident on his last mission and from what is happening to Carrie because of Saul.

All of which slightly overshadows the domestic life of the Brody family with Nicholas' whereabouts still unknown. Throughout this episode, there felt to be a healthy balance between Dana's and Carrie's world, which now seem fairly separate entirely. That said, Dana's new relationship isn't all that exciting at first, but providing the writers don't repeat something similar to what happened with Finn, then this should hopefully develop her character beyond her current state, which I think this episode promises.
Despite a slightly silly moment towards the end which felt more like a plot convenience for the story to continue, there is very little to nitpick in this otherwise great episode. The cast are at the top of their game and the series looks to be back on-track with its slow-burner episodes that reward over time instead of instant gratification with explosions etc. While I am a fan of this, hopefully we'll see more happen as Brody is reintroduced wherever he may be.
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