Hot Off The Press - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode 3

Despite the somewhat lacklustre performance that was episode two, that served little more than to bring the team together through the use of a rather dull MacGuffin, the hope that this series has potential brought me back to episode three.

As I wearily selected the show on 4od, I didn't really know what to expect other than having seen a couple of sunny images from the episode on the internet. Once it started though I was instantly reminded of X-Men: The Last Stand as cars protecting a large truck are somehow flipped into the air by some magical force. While the comparison might cause corse for concern, this happened to be a pretty entertaining episode, complete with a potential villain for the show which in-turn will hopefully set up future events for the show.

Unlike the last episode that explained plot points through Fitz and Simmons' annoying chatter, the approach here felt smarter and cleaner in comparison. While not perfect, the character interaction was entertaining as the team infiltrate a mansion in Malta to rescue a scientist who is being held captive. Due to various complications, none of the team can be sent in as it would jeopardise S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Skype, still being an unofficial member of the team, nominates herself to go in undercover.

The action throughout this episode remained exciting with a nice confrontation towards the end. While this show certainly isn't on-par with the likes of Homeland and Breaking Bad, there's still fun to be had here. Now with the introduction of an actual villain, hopefully the show will progress and raise the bar for future Marvel shows that have recently been confirmed.


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