Hot Off The Press - Homeland episode 6
*Minor Spoilers*
Finally after much criticism, hope and occasional disappointment, Homeland looks to have hit a high note at the start of the latter half of season three. Episode six brought back much of what fans enjoyed first time around such as surveillance, plotting, mystery and less Dana Brody. Hooray!

Once the episode concluded, I was invested to see what will happen next as it covered and revealed more than I hoped. Where next Sunday's episode will go now, I'm not sure. Maybe they'll bring Brody back into the fray having been cooped up in the Tower of David for some time. Where his story will go and how/ if it will ever cross over with Carrie's again will be interesting to see.
Any complaints? Generally this pretty solid, with Saul providing an interesting backstory to their man Javadi, played excellently by an icy Shaun Toub. I was a little surprised to Quinn's reaction to a bloody scene latter on though, as I felt he was a little bit too shocked by what was going on considering his past, and that it came across like the show was trying to really emphasise something, when we had already seen things like this before. Kind of a 'show me, don't tell me' thing. That said, when the violence picks up, it can get brutal, as Brody discovered last season when Quinn put a knife through his hand.
Those reading this who may have fallen off the show, may want to consider coming back as things look to be on the rise. Dana's story this time didn't overshadow the show even when more exciting things were going on and it looks like after paying for one or two missteps, the writers have found their bearings. Now let's see what's happened to Brody.
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