Hot Off The Press - Houdini part 1

The other day I caught the trailer for Houdini along with a bunch of others. Safe to say my thoughts were a little mixed as it didn't exactly grab me. But having just seen the show, this is another example of today's great film stars moving to the smaller screen as Adrien Brody plays the title character, and how also trailers for TV shows never quite live up to the show.

Taking some liberties, part one of two was an exhilarating ride exploring Houdini's (Eric Weisz) life growing up in America as a Jewish Hungarian-Austrian and how he was influenced by magicians and illusionists. Already living an exciting life, part one also explores his work with the government where he returns to Europe, now an established name, as a spy while continuing his tour. Complete with many flashbacks and flashforwards, Houdini is a show that packs as much energy as the man himself. Right from the start, it's gripping and exciting to watch, never afraid to stray near the realms of Guy Ritchie's steampunk version with Sherlock Holmes. Fact or fiction, there is never a dull moment.

Much of this is owed to Brody's great performance and slick direction that keeps the show (if you'll pardon the pun) moving. Visually it is also a treat to watch as the show cuts between pre-war America and Europe. A mention should also go to the fantastic score which glues it all together, standing high above the usual fair most shows offer. But for all my praise, I was concerned that this might be another 'rise and fall story', and while there was that drunken scene where the protagonist usually shouts something along the line of, "I'm the best thing that ever happened", Houdini hardly faltered at all. Hopefully part two will keep this pace.

If you missed it on Channel 4 (the only UK channel that seems to offer quality US shows at the moment), then I urge you to check it out on 4OD. Houdini is certainly a pleasant surprise and is well worth watching.


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