Should I Check This Out - Hannibal season 2

After a cracking (and grisly) first season that surprised many with its talented cast, gorgeous visuals and smart script that left audiences asking, "How did they get this on TV?", the second season to Hannibal came around fast. However, it was not a smooth return with Hannibal put on those dreaded shortlists for shows that might get cancelled as it wasn't quite reaching out to enough viewers. Thankfully Hannibal was given the green light much to fan's delight and now here we are.

Like the first, I went into season two completely fresh having avoided the trailers so I had no idea of what to expect. Unlike the films, it was Will Graham who found himself on the wrong side of the prison cell with Hannibal facing in at the end of season one. It was a great conclusion and left the audience not knowing how Will's story would continue. Overall, it payed off as a good starting point but the first half to season two was, while generally great, a little uneven.

An example, without spoilers, are the early court scenes that somewhat dragged a little. While the acting remained strong no doubt, there was something about these scenes that didn't quite fit the rest of the show's unique style. But that is only a nitpick. During and after these scenes, there is still much to enjoy before Hannibal really kicks into gear as we're reminded why this is certainly one of the best and most underrated shows currently on the air.

Hugh Dancy continues to impress as the tortured Will Graham, as does Laurence Fishburne but it is Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal who owns the role and delivers one of his best (English speaking) performances to date. While the philosophical dialogue remains sharp, intriguing and relevant, it is when we see Hannibal's menacing side that Mikkelsen really shines. Why the Golden Globes and Emmys aren't taking note is beyond me!

Supporting cast members also impress, particularly Michael Pitt taking on Gary Oldman's role from the film adaptation as Mason Verger, along with Katherine Isabelle who is equally good playing his long-suffering sister. A special mention should also go to Raúl Esparza as Dr. Chilton who could have been passed over as a background character but is given a larger role this time around and it is great to watch as he and Hannibal play off one another.

For those who stomached the first season, there is no reason why you should not continue watching. This season final easily trumps that of the first season and I cannot wait to see where this show will go next. Yes, it will sometimes make you want to look away but if you can get beyond that, this is certainly a thrilling ride with awesome visuals, top performances, and producers who aren't afraid to push the boat out and deliver something that stands apart from the rest.

You probably shouldn't eat while watching, but Hannibal season 2 is brilliant and can safely rival The Silence of the Lambs. Yes, it's that good!


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