Hot Off The Press - Homeland season 4 episode 4

Episode of four of Homeland saw a much needed boost as we received ample share in twists, turns and conspiracy as Claire moved closer to uncovering the people behind Sandy's death. In fact, Carrie had a very productive time as her team uncovered some dark facts about Aayan, and got a little intimate to find out more.

As well as this, we had Saul going face-to-face with old friends and people who are meant to help him, Quinn doing some snooping around, and the good old fashioned surveillance van out and about. While there was a lot more as we're introduced Mark Moses' Dennis with a checkered past and is also married Martha (Laila Robins), this was a generally well-rounded episode. The acting was great throughout, and while Dennis' blackmail scene felt a little old-hat, things moved pretty well to a (deliberately) uncomfortable conclusion. 

Particular standout moments this episode included much in the way of Saul's scenes, but the moments between Carrie and Quinn were also well-handled, packing the necessary melodrama without becoming overbearing. The rumblings of a relationship that could potentially jeopardise the drama of the show seams subtle for the moment.

Dennis' and Martha's scenes together brought a new angle to the show, but given how it has started, it already seems fairly predictable how their story arc will develop. That's not to say it won't be engaging by any strength of the imagination. Moses and Robins both seem like strong additions to the show, and hopefully their characters will get the right material that works to their strengths.
Following a fairly entertaining if doubtful first three episodes, episode four strikes well as the story starts to unravel. And with a season of twelve episodes in total, I think there is still a great opportunity for the show to continue this trend while keeping us keen for more.  


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