Money Monster

It seems like 2016 has gone by in a flash now we enter November, and while it would seem appropriate to review another horror, I have decided to look at Jodie Foster's Money Monster that you might have missed this year. Nearly nine whole years since those financial issues in 2008, Foster takes the directing chair and places George Clooney as an eccentric TV host who reviews the stock market only for Jack O'Connell's bitter viewer to take the whole studio hostage.

I remember watching the trailers for this one and being quite excited with the premise. Having enjoyed The Negotiator and Inside Man, I was keen to see what this hostage flick would produce with its topical themes and strong cast that also includes Julia Roberts and Dominic West. The screenplay was also featured in a blacklist of great scripts that had not been developed into a film, so things were looking good.

And right from the get-go, Foster puts Clooney to great use in an entertaining role where he chews up the scenery, and the chemistry between him and Roberts' studio director keeps the story rolling forward. As with The Negotiator, pacing is crucial with these types of films and Foster wastes no time with introducing O'Connell, who turns in a strong performance as the man ready to blow up Clooney unless he gets some answers.

Money Monster had me hooked throughout and I would recommend this, but with some caution added. Once the credits rolled, I was satisfied but the film does lack a certain bite to truly make it memorable. While Foster is quick to ensure each scene progresses from one to the next, there's a sense that it's not quite as smart as it wants to believe with a decent, if somewhat unoriginal, conclusion making it feel almost like something from your standard TV crime show.

Bottomline, I did enjoy Money Monster as an easy flick to watch with solid performances all around from its cast and Foster's focused direction, but it will disappoint those expecting more depth. It's not The Negotiator but its still a lot of fun nonetheless.


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