Game of Thrones season 7 - Episode 6

Beyond The Wall

Just like the last six seasons of Game of Thrones before, the penultimate episode is always one to treasure and look forward to. What's more Beyond The Wall is one of the longest episodes yet and I was glad to see the show make use every moment wisely following the odd rushed moment earlier this season so let's begin and release the spoilers.

Starting at the beginning, one of the best things about this episode was seeing the rag-tag team go on their journey. Obviously what followed was bigger and better but I really enjoyed seeing these characters interact and discuss previous events. Gendry still held some anger towards the Brotherhood but the Hound quickly and comically told him to shut it. Tormund had a foreboding chat with Jon about Mance's inability to bend the knee, and also openly discussing his love for Brienne in front of the Hound. Awkward. Jorah also delighted the fans with discussing the Greyjoy rebellion and Thoros' bravery which he then dismissed as just being the most drunk. It was great to watch and is just one example of the show making full use of its running time.

But the focus didn't just fall here, no sir. In Winterfell, we saw Littlefinger's plans set in motion as we saw Arya almost threaten Sansa while maintaining that steady yet piercing stare. After the homecomings I almost expected the drama to come to a standstill in the Stark family home but it seems that Sansa is in danger and risks going the same way as Walder at the start of the season. She still has Bran but neither of the two seem to truly appreciate his powers and he also seems too detached from anything to truly help.

Continuing the ever-growing drama was Tyrion's brave attempts to help Daenerys see another way of ruling without being too quick to temper. On one hand we can understand her reasons and for not truly trusting Tyrion who is working against his family but, whatever happens, he has always been a great voice for reason. It was a great scene and also displayed a darker side to Daenerys while showing a more humane side to Tyrion. Will she ever truly trust him and take any of his advice following her two defeats? Probably not but she may have to if this meeting with Cersei comes to fruition.

Back to the action and, as ever, the team behind this had me on the edge of my seat as I waited for any character to swing the wrong way and take a deadly blow. The action was gripping and how the creators blended the CGI with the actual locations was seamless. There was so much at stake and Tormund nearly looked as if he would be condemned to a watery grave. We'd already lost Thoros thanks to an undead bear so it seemed appropriate that one of the dead would be the next to steel another character. But sadly the next death would be one of the dragons in one of the saddest scenes so far as the great beast bled horribly before crashing into the frozen lake.

The introduction of the dragons was great, as Han Solo saved Luke and when the eagles saved Frodo, but the episode could not see the team escape from the undead so cleanly with The Night King watching. Jon almost looked to be a goner too were it also not for his uncle making a surprise rescue. But now I raise the question; how many deus ex machina moments where a character is suddenly rescued can we have? The dragons were expected but Uncle Benjen's return does push the envelope. Either way I'll forgive it and hope that isn't the end of him.

Following a tender moment between Daenerys and Jon, the living proof of a white walker is loaded onto a ship and hopefully it will make the long journey down south. Yet the episode can't end there and we conclude with the fallen dragon heaved out of the lake for The Night King to resurrect.

So what do we take away? The white walkers now have a dragon and I wouldn't want to be Beric or Tormund left looking after Eastwatch. This also means that if Daenerys/Jon can kill the king, then her dragon will die too. On one hand it is simple but I imagine a dilemma will come from this. Sansa is in trouble and risks loosing her face if Arya continues to make threats and with Brienne now heading south, Littlefinger almost looks like the closest thing to a friend. Let's watch this space.


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