Ant-Man and the Wasp

2018 was a great year for Marvel, and 2019 hasn't been too bad either with the success of Captain Marvel, but between the big films of last year was the still very successful sequel Ant-Man and the Wasp. Set prior to the events of Infinity War, our home planet still has a normal population and Scott Lang is currently under house arrest following Civil War. Yes it took me a short while to figure that part out.

Ant-Man is thoroughly entertaining change of pace back in 2015 between all of the bigger Marvel characters. The story was as straightforward as you can find but Marvel found a way to make it work and the fun addition that this hero could shrink to the size of an ant created plenty of inventive action moments. The sequel sees Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas as daughter and father working together to see if they locate her mother who might still be alive.

Just like the first outing, this is certainly a lot of fun to watch and will certainly please fans, but this one does lack some of the excitement that made the original click. Some might not agree but Corey Stoll's villain in the first was just the right amount of over-the-top to make the film satisfying. For some reason Ant-Man and the Wasp lacks a definitive villain, instead opting for a race against the clock mission. Walton Goggins is brought in as the southern shady businessman to help take the role as part-time antagonist but it still isn't enough to help the film hit the mark as well as the original.

I still can't deny this was a lot of fun to watch and fans will find a lot to enjoy. Just maybe next time I hope we do get to see more of Ant-Man and the Wasp working together, providing they survive Thanos...


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