Game of Thrones season 8 episode 1

After nearly two years since season seven of Game of Thrones ended in 2017, the final season which fans have so desperately been waiting for has been released and it was certainly great to have it back. This wasn't an action packed episode but one that mirrored the very first episode as characters met around Winterfell, all be it in very different times and there'll be full spoilers ahead.

The north of Westeros has changed with the wall having collapsed as the undead rage south and this should be a time when the world of men put aside their differences in pursuit of defeating their true enemy, or at least that's what Jon expected. Arriving into Winterfell with Daenerys, her army and two dragons made the northerners question Jon's allegiances and this frosty reception was reflected in Sansa.

This was a strong highlight for me as it proved that this war would not be so easy as a battle in a field and harked back to the earlier seasons of the show rife with political conflict. Then there was poor Sam learning of his father and brother's death by Daenerys, which pushed him into telling Jon the truth about his parents. Up until now Sam has been the mild-mannered do-gooder of the show but this decision to reveal this secret given the timing showed another side to him and hopefully one we'll see more of.

Elsewhere, while Cersei still rules on the Iron Throne, Bronn has been appointed to assassinate the Queen's treacherous brothers. I generally found the Kings Landing scenes to be fine in this episode but it was this scene that caught my interest as the show has been hinting at Bronn's cold-blooded nature and there's every chance he might follow his orders. In season two, when Tyrion asked if he would have killed children of the late King as Cersei was doing, his only response was how much he'd get paid and this time the reward was greater. Meanwhile, Theon rescuing Yuron provided a slice of bloodshed for the episode but it was an odd choice to have this scene so early on. However, it will be interesting to see where the these two will end-up. 

Back up north, we learn Beric and Tormund had survived the attack on the wall (very happy to see this!) as they find the Umber house in ruin following an attack by the undead. Complete with a neat jump-scare, this signals it won't be long before the White Walkers attack Winterfell.

The episode concludes with a weary Jaime arriving to meet the Starks and finds an eerie Bran staring across at him for the first time since the very first episode. It was a great moment to end on, and made more unsettling as Tyrion had also found himself caught in Bran's gaze.

I really enjoyed having the show back again and this was a strong to reintroduce it after so long. The conflict in the north is what truly grabbed me and has me asking if Daenerys might have too much of father in her to cause more trouble. Hopefully HBO have ironed out the minor issues from season seven and can deliver a truly fitting conclusion.


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